Source code for recipe_system.reduction.coreReduce

class Reduce provides one (1) public method:


which calls on the mapper classes and passes the received data to them.

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                                                                        DRAGONS
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import os

import sys
import inspect
#import traceback

from importlib import import_module

import astrodata
import gemini_instruments

from gempy.utils import logutils
from gempy.library import config

from astrodata import AstroDataError

from recipe_system import __version__

from recipe_system.utils.errors import ModeError
from recipe_system.utils.errors import RecipeNotFound
from recipe_system.utils.errors import PrimitivesNotFound

from recipe_system.utils.reduce_utils import buildParser
from recipe_system.utils.reduce_utils import normalize_ucals
from recipe_system.utils.reduce_utils import set_btypes
from recipe_system.utils.rs_utilities import log_traceback

from recipe_system.mappers.recipeMapper import RecipeMapper
from recipe_system.mappers.primitiveMapper import PrimitiveMapper

[docs] class UnrecognizedParameterException(Exception): """ Exception for unrecognized user parameters. """ pass
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ log = logutils.get_logger(__name__) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class Reduce: """ The Reduce class encapsulates the core processing to be done by reduce. __init__ may receive one (1) parameter, nominally, an argparse Namespace instance. However, this object type is not required, but only that any passed object *must* present an equivalent interface to that of an <argparse.Namespace> instance, i.e. a duck type. The class provides one (1) public method, runr(), the only call needed to run reduce on the supplied argument set. Parameters ---------- sys_args : :class:`argparse.Namespace` (optional) or <duck-type object> This object type is not required, per se, but only that any passed object *must* present an equivalent interface to that of an :class:`argparse.Namespace` instance. Attributes ---------- adinputs: <list> attribute is a list of the input astrodata objects as made from the 'files' list (see 'files' below). output_filenames: <list> read-only property is a list of final output filenames. mode: <str> operational mode. Currently, only 'qa', 'sq' modes are supported. drpkg: <str> Data reduction package name. Default is 'geminidr', the Gemini Observatory data reduction package. files: <list> List of input filenames. Passed to Reduce.__init__(), these are converted to astrodata objects. suffix: <str> User supplied suffix to be applied as a final suffix to output filenames. ucals: <dict> Dictionary of calibration files passed by --user_cals flag. uparms: <dict> Dictionary of user parameters as passed by -p, --param flag. upload : <list> List of products to upload to fitsstore as passed by --upload. E.g., --upload metrics calibs (==> upload == ['metrics', 'calibs']) will upload QA metrics to fitsstore and processing calibration files. recipename: <str> or callable The name of the recipe that will be run. If None, the 'default' recipe is used, as specified in the appropriate recipe library. """ def __init__(self, sys_args=None): if sys_args: args = sys_args elif self._confirm_args(): args = buildParser(__version__).parse_args() else: args = buildParser(__version__).parse_args([]) # acquire any new astrodata classes. if args.adpkg: import_module(args.adpkg) self.mode = args.mode self.drpkg = args.drpkg self.files = args.files self.suffix = args.suffix self.ucals = normalize_ucals(args.user_cal) uparms = set_btypes(args.userparam) uparms = dict(uparms) if uparms else {} self.uparms = uparms self.config_file = args.config self._upload = args.upload self._output_filenames = None self.recipename = args.recipename if args.recipename else '_default' @property def upload(self): return self._upload @upload.setter def upload(self, upl): if upl is None: self._upload = None elif isinstance(upl, str): self._upload = [seg.lower().strip() for seg in upl.split(',')] elif isinstance(upl, list): self._upload = upl return @property def output_filenames(self): return self._output_filenames
[docs] def runr(self): """ Map and run the requested or defaulted recipe. Parameters ---------- <void> Returns ------- <void> """ self._output_filenames = reduce_data(files=self.files, mode=self.mode, drpkg=self.drpkg, recipename=self.recipename, uparms=self.uparms, ucals=self.ucals, upload=self.upload, config_file=self.config_file, suffix=self.suffix)
# -------------------------------- prive ----------------------------------- def _check_files(self, ffiles): """ Sanity check on submitted files. Parameters -------- ffiles: <list> list of passed FITS files. Return ------ input_files: <list> list of 'good' input fits datasets. """ try: assert ffiles except AssertionError: log.error("NO INPUT FILE(s) specified") log.stdinfo("type 'reduce -h' for usage information") raise OSError("NO INPUT FILE(s) specified") input_files = [] bad_files = [] for image in ffiles: if not os.access(image, os.R_OK): log.error('Cannot read file: '+str(image)) bad_files.append(image) else: input_files.append(image) try: assert bad_files err = "\n\t".join(bad_files) log.warning("Files not found or cannot be loaded:\n\t%s" % err) if input_files: found = "\n\t".join(input_files) log.stdinfo("These datasets were loaded:\n\t%s" % found) else: log.error("Caller passed no valid input files") sys.exit(1) except AssertionError: log.stdinfo("All submitted files appear valid:") if len(input_files) > 1: filestr = input_files[0] filestr += " ... " + input_files[-1] filestr += ", {} files submitted.".format(len(input_files)) else: filestr = input_files[0] log.stdinfo(filestr) return input_files def _convert_inputs(self, inputs): """ Convert files into AstroData objects. Parameters ---------- inputs: <list>, list of FITS file names Return ------ allinputs: <list>, list of AstroData objects """ allinputs = [] for inp in inputs: try: ad = except AstroDataError as err: log.warning("Can't Load Dataset: %s" % inp) log.warning(err) continue except OSError as err: log.warning("Can't Load Dataset: %s" % inp) log.warning(err) continue if not len(ad): log.warning("%s contains no extensions." % ad.filename) continue allinputs.append(ad) return allinputs def _confirm_args(self): """ Confirm that the first executable frame in the call stack is a reduce command line. This asserts that a nominal reduce parser, as returned by buildParser() function, is an equivalent Namespace object to that of an 'args' key in the stack's 'f_locals' namespace. If the Namespace objects are not equal, reduce is not calling this class. Parameters ---------- <void> Returns ------- is_reduce: <bool>, Did 'reduce' call this? """ is_reduce = False exe_path = sys.argv[0] red_namespace = buildParser(__version__).parse_args([]) if exe_path: cstack = inspect.stack() for local, value in list(cstack[-1][0].f_locals.items()): if local == 'args': try: assert( list(value.__dict__.keys()) == list(red_namespace.__dict__.keys()) ) is_reduce = True except AttributeError: pass except AssertionError: log.stdinfo("A non-reduce command line was detected.") pass return is_reduce
def _logheader(recipe, recipename): if recipename == '_default': r_actual = recipe.__name__ else: r_actual = recipename logstring = "RECIPE: {}".format(r_actual) log.status("="*80) log.status(logstring) log.status("="*80) return def _write_final(outputs, suffix): """ Write final outputs. Write only if filename is not == orig_filename, or if there is a user suffix (self.suffix) Parameters ---------- outputs: <list>, List of AstroData objects Return ------ <void> """ outstr = "\tWrote {} in output directory" def _sname(name): head, tail = os.path.splitext(name) ohead = head.split("_")[0] newname = ohead + suffix + tail return newname for ad in outputs: if suffix: username = _sname(ad.filename) ad.write(username, overwrite=True) log.stdinfo(outstr.format(username)) elif ad.filename != ad.orig_filename: ad.write(ad.filename, overwrite=True) log.stdinfo(outstr.format(ad.filename)) return def _convert_inputs(inputs): """ Convert files into AstroData objects. Parameters ---------- inputs: <list>, list of FITS file names Return ------ allinputs: <list>, list of AstroData objects """ allinputs = [] for inp in inputs: try: ad = except AstroDataError as err: log.warning("Can't Load Dataset: %s" % inp) log.warning(err) continue except OSError as err: log.warning("Can't Load Dataset: %s" % inp) log.warning(err) continue if not len(ad): log.warning("%s contains no extensions." % ad.filename) continue allinputs.append(ad) return allinputs def _check_files(ffiles): """ Sanity check on submitted files. Parameters -------- ffiles: <list> list of passed FITS files. Return ------ input_files: <list> list of 'good' input fits datasets. """ try: assert ffiles except AssertionError: log.error("NO INPUT FILE(s) specified") log.stdinfo("type 'reduce -h' for usage information") raise OSError("NO INPUT FILE(s) specified") input_files = [] bad_files = [] for image in ffiles: if not os.access(image, os.R_OK): log.error('Cannot read file: '+str(image)) bad_files.append(image) else: input_files.append(image) try: assert bad_files err = "\n\t".join(bad_files) log.warning("Files not found or cannot be loaded:\n\t%s" % err) try: assert input_files found = "\n\t".join(input_files) log.stdinfo("These datasets were loaded:\n\t%s" % found) except AssertionError: log.error("Caller passed no valid input files") raise OSError("No valid files passed.") except AssertionError: log.stdinfo("All submitted files appear valid:") if len(input_files) > 1: filestr = input_files[0] filestr += " ... " + input_files[-1] filestr += ", {} files submitted.".format(len(input_files)) else: filestr = input_files[0] log.stdinfo(filestr) return input_files def _log_reduce(files, mode, drpkg, recipename, uparms, ucals, upload, config_file, suffix): if files: log.debug("Files".ljust(33) + ":: " + files[0]) for f in files[1:]: log.debug(" "*33 + ":: {}".format(f)) log.debug("Mode".ljust(33) + ":: " + mode) log.debug("Data Reduction Package".ljust(33) + ":: " + drpkg) log.debug("Recipe Name".ljust(33) + ":: " + recipename) if uparms: log.debug("\nParameters") log.debug("----------") if isinstance(uparms, dict): for param in uparms.keys(): log.debug(param.ljust(33) + ":: " + str(uparms[param])) elif isinstance(uparms, list): for param in uparms: if len(param) == 2: log.debug(param[0].ljust(33) + ":: " + str(param[1])) else: log.debug("Unrecognized parameter".ljust(33) + ":: " + param) else: log.debug("(Unrecognized parameters)") if ucals: log.debug("\nCalibrations") log.debug("------------") for cal in ucals.keys(): log.debug(cal.ljust(33) + ":: " + ucals[cal]) if upload: log.debug("%s:: %s" % ("Upload".ljust(33), upload)) if config_file: log.debug("Config File".ljust(33) + ":: " + config_file) if suffix: log.debug("Suffix".ljust(33) + ":: " + suffix) log.debug("-"*65+"\n")
[docs] def reduce_data(files, mode='sq', drpkg='geminidr', recipename=None, uparms={}, ucals={}, upload=None, config_file=None, suffix=None, logmode=None): """ Map and run the requested or defaulted recipe. Parameters ---------- files : <list> or str The set of files to reduce, if a string it is assumed to be a single file mode : <str> The mode of reduction: ``qa`` ``ql`` or ``sq``, defaults to ``sq`` drpkg :<str> The data reduction package to map. Default is 'geminidr'. This package *must* be importable. recipename : <str> The name of the recipe or primitive to run, or None for default uparms : <dict> The parameters for the recipes, if any ucals : <dict> Calibration files to use, if any, as a dictionary mapping calibration type to file, ``None`` for default upload : <list> List of types to upload, default None config_file : str Configuration file to use, None for default suffix : str Suffix to add to output file(s), None for default logmode : str Mode of logging such as 'debug', or None for default Returns ------- <list> : List of files produced by the reduction """ if logmode is not None: # User requesting an override of the logging mode from gempy.utils import logutils logutils.config(mode=logmode) _log_reduce(files, mode, drpkg, recipename, uparms, ucals, upload, config_file, suffix) recipe = None if isinstance(files, str): files = [files,] try: ffiles = _check_files(files) except OSError as err: log.error(str(err)) raise try: adinputs = _convert_inputs(ffiles) except OSError as err: log.error(str(err)) raise upload = [seg.lower().strip() for seg in upload.split(',')] if isinstance(upload, str) else upload # build mapper inputs, pass no 'ad' objects. # mappers now receive tags and instr pkg name, e.g., 'gmos' datatags = set(list(adinputs[0].tags)[:]) instpkg = adinputs[0].instrument(generic=True).lower() rm = RecipeMapper(datatags, instpkg, mode=mode, drpkg=drpkg, recipename=recipename) try: recipe = rm.get_applicable_recipe() except ModeError as err: log.warning("WARNING: {}".format(err)) pass except RecipeNotFound: log.warning("No recipe can be found in {} recipe libs.".format(instpkg)) log.warning("Searching primitives ...") # If it's not a primitive, we'll crash later on, so assume it's a # primitive and update uparms to prepend the name to any parameters # without the primitive named explicitly uparms = [((k if ':' in k else f"{recipename}:{k}"), v) for k, v in uparms.items()] # clear reference for GC rm = None # PrimitiveMapper now returns the primitive class, not an instance. pm = PrimitiveMapper(datatags, instpkg, mode=mode, drpkg=drpkg) try: pclass = pm.get_applicable_primitives() except PrimitivesNotFound as err: log.error(str(err)) raise p = pclass(adinputs, mode=mode, ucals=ucals, uparms=uparms, upload=upload, config_file=config_file) # Clean references to avoid keeping adinputs objects in memory one # there are no more needed. adinputs = None # If the RecipeMapper was unable to find a specified user recipe, # it is possible that the recipe passed was a primitive name. # Here we examine the primitive set to see if this recipe is actually # a primitive name. norec_msg = "{} recipes do not define a '{}' recipe for these data." if recipe is None and recipename == '_default': raise RecipeNotFound(norec_msg.format(instpkg.upper(), mode)) if recipe is None: try: primitive_as_recipe = getattr(p, recipename) except AttributeError as err: err = "Recipe {} Not Found".format(recipename) log.error(str(err)) raise RecipeNotFound("No primitive named {}".format(recipename)) pname = primitive_as_recipe.__name__ log.stdinfo("Found '{}' as a primitive.".format(pname)) _logheader(pname, recipename) try: primitive_as_recipe() except Exception as err: log_traceback(log) log.error(str(err)) raise else: _logheader(recipe, recipename) try: recipe(p) except Exception: log.error("Reduce received an unhandled exception. Aborting ...") log_traceback(log) log.stdinfo("Writing final outputs ...") try: for ad in p.streams['main']: ad.update_filename(suffix="_crash") except: # in case something has gone really wrong! log.stdinfo("Problem updating filenames") _write_final(p.streams['main'], None) _output_filenames = [ad.filename for ad in p.streams['main']] raise _write_final(p.streams['main'], suffix) _output_filenames = [ad.filename for ad in p.streams['main']] log.stdinfo("\nreduce completed successfully.") return _output_filenames