3. The Mappers

The mappers are the core of the Recipe System. The mappers match recipes and primitives to the data being reduced.

Normally called from the Reduce class (which might have been called by the command line reduce), the mappers will search a data reduction package (DR package) specified by the argument drpkg for recipes and primitives matching the AstroData tags of the data to be processed. (The default drpkg is DRAGONS geminidr package.)

The search for matching primitives and recipes is optimized for a certain directory structure. Other structures would work though. In the appendix, we introduce a tool to easily create the data reduction package structure that will be most efficient. The reader can also look at geminidr for a working example.

The mapping algorithm uses attributes of an AstroData instance to first determines the applicable instrument package defined under the DR package, for example gmos in geminidr. Then the algorithm conducts a search of that instrument package looking for specific attributes: a class attribute called tagset defined in discoverable primitive classes, and a module attribute, called recipe_tags, defined in recipe library modules. The mappers look for the “best” match between an AstroData object’s tags and the tagset defined in recipe libraries and primitive classes. The best match requires that the primitive and recipe tagsets are a complete subset of the larger set of tags defined for the input dataset. The association with the greatest number of matched tags wins the test.

3.1. Mapper Class

Mapper serves as the base class for the other Recipe System mapper classes. The base Mapper class defines only the initialisation function. Subclasses inherit and do not override Mapper.__init__().

It is important to note that only the first AstroData dataset in the list of input datasets is used to set the tags and the import path of the instrument package. It is assumed that all the datasets in the list are of the same type and will be reduced with the same recipes and primitives.

See the API for Mapper.

Regarding the recipename argument, the default is “_default”. A recipe library should have a module attribute _default that is assigned the name of the default function (recipe) to run if that library is selected. This guarantees that if a library is selected there will always be a recipe matching recipename to run.

recipename can also be the name of a specific recipe that will be expected to be found in the selected recipe library.

To completely bypass the recipe mapping and use a user-provided recipe library and a recipe within, recipename is set to


Finally, recipename can be set to be the name of a single primitive. In that case, the primitive of that name in the mapped primitive set will be run.

3.2. PrimitiveMapper

PrimitiveMapper is subclassed on Mapper and does not override __init__(). PrimitiveMapper implements the primitive search algorithm and provides one public method on the class: get_applicable_primitives().

The primitive set search is conducted by comparing the AstroData tags attribute of the first input dataset to the tagset attribute of each primitive class. The best matched primitive set should, in principle, be found in an instrument package that matches the instrument descriptor of the input datasets. In fact, the way the search is optimized right now, it enforces that principle.

As the search of instrument primitive classes progresses, modules are inspected, looking for class objects with a tagset attribute. A tagset match is assessed against all previous matches and the best matching class is retrieved and instantiated with all the appropriate arguments.

A match requires that the primitive class tagset be a subset of the AstroData tags descriptor. The best match is the one with the largest tagset. If two or more primitive classes return best matches with the same number of tags in their tagset, then the current algorithm will only return the first best match primitive class it has encountered. It is therefore very important to be specific with the tagset attributes to avoid such multiple match situation and to ensure only one true best match.

The get_applicable_primitives() method returns this instance of the best match primitive class. The object returned will be the actual instance and usable as such as an argument to a recipe function. The list of AstroData objects given as input to PrimitiveMapper is used to instantiate the chosen primitive class.

The instantiation of the primitive class by get_applicable_primitives() implies an API requirement on the Primitive class. It must be possible to instantiate a primitive class with the following call:

PrimitiveClassName(self.adinputs, mode=self.mode, ucals=self.usercals,
    uparms=self.userparams, upload=self.upload, config_file=self.config_file)

where self is an instantiated PrimitiveMapper.

3.3. RecipeMapper

RecipeMapper is subclassed on Mapper and does not override __init__(). RecipeMapper implements the recipe search algorithm and provides one public method on the class: get_applicable_recipe().

The recipe library search is conducted by comparing the AstroData tags attribute of the first input dataset to the recipe_tags module attribute of each recipe library in the mode subdirectory of the instrument package. The best matched recipe library should in principle be found in an instrument package that matches the instrument descriptor of the input datasets. In fact, the way the search is optimized right now, it enforces that principle.

The mode narrows the recipe search in the instrument package to the corresponding subdirectory, while the AstroData tags are used to locate the desired recipe library within that mode subdirectory. As the search of instrument recipe modules (libraries) progresses, modules are inspected, looking for a recipe_tags attribute. A recipe tags match is assessed against all previous matches and the best matching recipe library is imported. The default or the named recipe function is retrieved from the recipe library.

A match requires that the recipe_tags be a subset of the AstroData tags descriptor. The best match is the one with the largest matching subset of the data’s tags attribute. If two or more recipe libraries return best matches with the same number of tags in their recipe_tags, then the current algorithm will only return the first best match recipe library it has encountered. It is therefore very important to be specific with the tagset attributes to avoid such multiple match situation and to ensure only one true best match.

The get_applicable_recipe() method returns this best match recipe function to the caller. This is a function object and is callable.

3.4. The Handling of recipename

The input argument recipename is multiplexed. The default value is the string default that matches a module attribute in the recipe library identifying which of the recipes is to be considered the default.

recipename may be set to the name of a specific recipe (function) within a recipe library. This will override the default setting. Of course, the function must be present in the best match recipe library.

The recipename can also specify a user-provided recipe. The syntax for this form is <recipe_library>.<recipe>. If the <recipe_library> string does not contain the full path to the module, the current directory is assumed to be the location of the library. The RecipeMapper first tries to find such a recipe. If it is not found, then the mapper begins the process of searching for the best match recipe in the data reduction package.

Finally, the recipename can be the name of a primitive rather than the name of a recipe (eg. reduce N20120212S0012.fits -r display). In that case, the RecipeMapper will fail to find a matching recipe. Recognition of the string as a valid primitive is done in the runr() method of Reduce. The primitive must be one of the primitives from the best match primitive set.