Source code for recipe_system.utils.findexe

#                                                                  gemini_python
#                                                    recipe_system.utils.findexe
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import os
import psutil
from psutil import NoSuchProcess

[docs] def findexe(exe): """ Function receives an executable name, 'exe', as a string, and returns a list of pids that match the name. Parameters ---------- exe : str Name of a running executable. Returns ------- pids: list a list of extant pids found running 'exe' Example ------- >>> findexe('autoredux') [98684] >>> findexe('emacs') [41273, 55557] """ pids = [] for proc in psutil.process_iter(): try: pinfo = proc.as_dict(attrs=['pid', 'cmdline']) cl = pinfo['cmdline'] if not cl: continue else: arg1 = cl[0] try: arg2 = cl[1] except IndexError: arg2 = '' subarg1 = os.path.split(arg1)[1].strip() subarg2 = os.path.split(arg2)[1].strip() if arg2 else arg2 if exe == subarg1 or exe == subarg2: pids.append(pinfo['pid']) except NoSuchProcess as nspe: pass return pids